How to proceed after the first week lectures...
  1. Make sure you are comfortable with the material presented during the first week. In a nutshell, this is almost all I know about Skolem sequences, and now you know it.

  2. Identify something you like to immediately explore. This could be to:

  3. In order to make things concrete, please write a few sentences about what you feel like exploring in (2) in your file under the Overleaf document (name the file by your name). This way, we can all see what others are thinking about. In addition, try to position this within the three main research directions (last section on the website). Note: you don't have to share absolutely everything you do on Overleaf, I understand that there is intellectual property... But we will all respect that.

  4. There will be office hours announced by the next week (some already established), each one of us (the mentors) will try their best to answer your questions.

  5. There will be a regular general meeting (either once a week or twice a week), where everyone can bring their ideas, problems, progress, struggles, etc... and we all (students and mentors) discuss them.

  6. At some point, identify one of the three main research directions/questions that you feel you want to pursue. A Google form will be prepared sometime later and shared with you so you can provide us with this information (and more). Students will be grouped based on their interest and, possibly, one of the mentors will be assigned to closely work with the group.

  7. In order to assess progress, each group will report periodically (collectively or individually) on the progress they make in terms of understanding the material, identifying research directions, and possibly initial work.

  8. Seek collaboration among yourselves, use whatever messaging service you feel like to approach other people. Once we have information about your interests, we will share that as well.