\ // compile like this: // g++ example.c stree_strmat.c stree_ukkonen.c repeats_supermax.c // this illustrates a basic use of the library #include "stree_ukkonen.h" #include "repeats_supermax.h" #include using std::cout; int find_leaves(SUFFIX_TREE tree, STREE_NODE node) { int i=1; char * str; int pos; int index; while (stree_get_leaf(tree, node, i, &str, &pos, &index)) { i++; cout<<"pos "<M <<" and multiplicity "<num_leaves<<"\n"; stree_traverse_subtree(tree, repeat->node, find_leaves, NULL); cout<<"\n"; SUPERMAXIMALS prev_repeat=repeat; repeat=repeat->next; free(prev_repeat); } //matching a string STREE_NODE node; int pos; cout<<"the number of characters of abxc matched in aabcaabxaaz is " <