Homework 8 - Introduction to Prolog

Due: 11:59 PM Nov 15


This homework serves to introduce you to purely declarative programming in Prolog, while the next one will introduce you to other parts of Prolog, including non-declarative constructs.  Homework 10 (i.e., the Prolog project) will be a real application.

Before you Start

If you haven't already done so, install Prolog and go through pages 3-5 of Lu & Mead to learn how to use the SWI environment (if needed).  Alternatively, you can go through section 2.1 of the SWI documentation (click on Documentation, follow the "SWI-Prolog reference manual" link, and click on the filetab icon on the top).  Online help from within prolog is also available by typing "help(<predicate>).".


You should write all programs as declaratively as possible.  If you are unsure whether or not something you do is declarative, ask by email. 

The stylistic requirements are:

Common Beginner Errors (read this before you start)

I've listed some common errors below, in no particular order.  It goes without saying that you are not allowed to make these errors.  We haven't covered some of these, but I'm mentioning them since people seem to find them.
All of the programs in this problem can be written in a few lines of code.  If you are writing a lot of code, you should probably rethink your approach.  Think declaratively!

It goes without saying that you should test your programs adequately, including boundary cases.  THINK DECLARATIVELY!


Write the following predicates in Prolog.  For most  of them, I have given examples in the <+,+,...+> mode.  This is purely for explanatory purposes, and your programs should work for all specified modes, except where otherwise stated.
  1. atoms_in_list(+List,?AtomList) succeeds if AtomList is a list of the elements in a [possibly nested] list, List.
    Ex: atoms_in_list([a,1,[3,a,[1,2,3],b],c],[a,1,3,a,1,2,3,b,c])
  2. Write the Prolog version of interleave from the Haskell homework earlier this semester (except that it works in all modes). Please use Prolog naming conventions though.
  3. Write an interleave2 predicate that is the same as above, except that it fails if the two lists are of differing lengths. Of course, there is no longer a Pad argument.
  4. keyRecord(+DB,?Record,?Key) succeeds if the structure rec(Key,Record) is in the database DB.
    Ex: keyRecord([rec(al,1),rec(bo,2),rec(al,3),rec(ida,4)],3,al)
    To think about: Recall that Prolog's fundamental data structure is a structure with uninterpreted functor (in this case, "rec" is a functor).  The word "uninterpreted" essentially means that it is purely syntactic sugar, and you can not unify against it - you might want to try unifying a variable to it (e.g., X(b,2) with rec(b,2)) to see what happens.
  5. canyon(+IntList) succeeds if IntList consists of decreasing integers followed by increasing integers.  For example, [11,8,8,5,2,3,7] is a canyon, but [5,4,3,2,1] and [11,8,8,5,2,3,7,5] are not canyons.  You may assume that IntList contains only integers.
  6. canyonInList(+IntList,?Canyon) succeeds if Canyon is a canyon somewhere in IntList.
  7. legal(+List) succeeds if List is legal in the language generated by the start symbol S in the following EBNF grammar:
    S --> a{b}S | T | Sb
    T --> c | cS
    For example, [a,b,b,c,c,b] is legal.
  8. Identify 3 of your above programs, where each satisfies a different one of the following requirements:
    • The same program could be written in Haskell almost identically (excluding minor syntactical differences)
    • A Haskell program using the same approach is not possible due to the difference between pattern matching and unification
    • A Haskell program using the same approach is not possible due to some other difference between the logic and functional paradigms.
    Explain briefly (1 sentence each), in clearly identified comments.


The programs should be submitted electronically to the grader, and cc'd to me.  All programs should be in one file, named  <firstname>_<surname>_hw8.pl.  Make sure you have documented your code using the standards we discussed in class.


  1. You may have seen (or written) Prolog elsewhere.  However, our focus here is on declarative logic programming, and the other code probably does not meet our requirements.