Saptarshi Debroy
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Hunter College
Doctoral Faculties of Computer Science, The Graduate Center
The City University of New York
Email: saptarshi DOT debroy AT hunter DOT cuny DOT edu
Book Chapters
- Saptarshi Debroy, and Mainak Chatterjee, Radio Environment Maps and Its Utility in Resource Management for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, Book Chapter for 'Resource Allocation in Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Access Networks', IGI Global, ISBN - 9781522520238, 2017.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Prasad Calyam, and Matthew Dickinson, Orchestrating Science DMZs for Big Data Acceleration: Challenges and Approaches, Book Chapter for 'Networking for Big Data', CRC Press, ISBN - 9781482263497, 2015.
Peer-reviewed Journals
- Xiaojie Zhang and Saptarshi Debroy, Resource Management in Mobile Edge Computing: A Comprehensive Survey, ACM Computing Survey, 2023.
- Minh Nguyen and Saptarshi Debroy, Moving Target Defense-Based Denial-of-Service Mitigation in Cloud Environments: A Survey, Wiley Security and Communication Networks, 2022.
- Matthew Dickinson, Saptarshi Debroy, Prasad Calyam, Samaikya Valluripally, Yuanxun Zhang, Ronny Bazan Antequera, Trupti Joshi, Tommi White, and Dong Xu, Multi-cloud Performance and Security Driven Federated Workflow Management, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2021.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Prasad Calyam, Minh Nguyen, Roshan Lal Naupane, Bidyut Mukherjee, Ajay Kumar Eeralla, and Khaled Salah, Frequency-Minimal Utility-Maximal Moving Target Defense against DDoS in Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2020.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Priyanka Samanta, Amina Bashir, and Mainak Chatterjee, SpEED-IoT: Spectrum Aware Energy Efficient Routing for Device-to-Device IoT Communication, Elsevier International Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019.
- Ravi Akella, Saptarshi Debroy, Prasad Calyam, Alex Berryman, Kunpeng Zhu, and Mukundan Sridharan, Secured Middleground for Resource Protection in Measurement Infrastructure-as-a-Service, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2019.
- Ronny Bazan Antequera, Prasad Calyam, Saptarshi Debroy, Longhai Cui, Sripriya Seetharam, Matthew Dickinson, Trupti Joshi, Dong Xu, and Tsegereda Beyene, ADON: Application-Driven Overlay Network-as-a-Service for Data-Intensive Science, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2018.
- Yuanxun Zhang, Prasad Calyam, Saptarshi Debroy, and Sai Shreya Nuguri, Social Plane for Recommenders in Network Performance Expectation Management, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2018.
- Shameek Bhattacharjee, Saptarshi Debroy, and Mainak Chatterjee, Quantifying Trust for Robust Spectrum Fusion in Distributed Multi-channel Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2017.
- Yaunxun Zhang, Saptarshi Debroy, and Prasad Calyam, Network-wide Anomaly Event Detection and Diagnosis in perfSONAR, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2016.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Shameek Bhattacharjee, and Mainak Chatterjee, Spectrum Map and its application in Resource Management in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2015.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Swades De, and Mainak Chatterjee, Contention based Multichannel MAC Protocol for Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2014.
International Conferences
- Motahare Mounesan, Xiaojie Zhang, and Saptarshi Debroy, Infer-EDGE: Dynamic DNN Inference Optimization in Just-in-time Edge-AI Implementations, IEEE/IFIP NOMS, 2025.
- Manal Zneit, Xiaojie Zhang, Motahare Mounesan, and Saptarshi Debroy, Adversarial Autoencoder based Model Extraction Attacks for Collaborative DNN Inference at Edge, IEEE/IFIP NOMS, 2025.
- Shima Yousefi, Shameek Bhattacharjee, and Saptarshi Debroy, Intent-driven Data Falsification Attack on Collaborative IoT-Edge Environments, ACM/IEEE SEC Workshop on Security and Privacy in Edge Computing (EdgeSP), 2024.
- Md. Nurul Absur, Swastik Brahma, and Saptarshi Debroy, Poster: Reliable 3D Reconstruction for Ad-hoc Edge Implementations, ACM/IEEE SEC, 2024.
- Hemanth Yeddulapalli, Mauro Alarcon, Upasana Roy, Roshan Neupane, Durbek Gafurov, Motahare Mounesan, Saptarshi Debroy, Prasad Calyam, VECA: Reliable and Confidential Resource Clustering for Volunteer Edge-Cloud Computing, IEEE IC2E, 2024.
- Motahare Mounesan, Xiaojie Zhang, and Saptarshi Debroy, EdgeRL: Reinforcement Learning-driven Deep Learning Model Inference Optimization at Edge, IEEE CNSM, 2024.
- Xiaojie Zhang, Amitangshu Pal, and Saptarshi Debroy, EdgeURB: Edge-driven Unified Resource Broker for Real-time Video Analytics, IEEE/IFIP NOMS, 2024.
- Motahare Mounesan, Mauro Lemus, Hemanth Yeddulapalli, Prasad Calyam, Saptarshi Debroy, Reinforcement learning-driven data-intensive workflow scheduling for volunteer edge-cloud, IEEE ICFEC, 2024.
- Xiaojie Zhang, Houchao Gan, Amitangshu Pal, Soumyabrata Dey, and Saptarshi Debroy, On Balancing Latency and Quality of Edge-native Multi-view 3D Reconstruction, ACM/IEEE SEC, 2023.
- Xiaojie Zhang, Motahare Mounesan, and Saptarshi Debroy, EFFECT-DNN: Energy-efficient Edge Framework for Real-time DNN Inference, IEEE WoWMoM, 2023.
- Xiaojie Zhang, Mingjun Li, Andrew Hilton, Amitangshu Pal, Soumyabrata Dey, and Saptarshi Debroy, End-to-End Latency Optimization of Multi-view 3D Reconstruction for Disaster Response, IEEE MobileCloud, 2022.
- Mauro Lemus Alarcon, Minh Nguyen, Ashish Pandey, Saptarshi Debroy, and Prasad Calyam, VECFlex: Reconfigurablity and Scalability for Trustworthy Volunteer Edge-Cloud supporting Data-intensive Scientific Computing, IEEE/ACM UCC, 2022.
- Minh Nguyen, Jacob Lately, Swati Kar, Soumyabrata Dey, and Saptarshi Debroy, DNN-based Denial of Quality of Service Attack on Software-defined Hybrid Edge-Cloud Systems, IEEE WAMICON, 2022.
- Ashish Pandey, Prasad Calyam, Saptarshi Debroy, Songjie Wang, Mauro Lemus, VECTrust: Trusted Resource Allocation in Volunteer Edge-Cloud Computing Workflows, IEEE/ACM UCC, 2021.
- Xiaojie Zhang, Amitangshu Pal, and Saptarshi Debroy, EFFECT: Energy-efficient Fog Computing Framework for Real-time Video Processing, IEEE/ACM CCGrid, 2021.
- Mauro Lemus Alarcon, Minh Nguyen, Saptarshi Debroy, Naga Ramya Bhamidipati, Prasad Calyam, and Abu Mosa, Trust Model for Efficient Honest Broker based Healthcare Data Access and Processing, IEEE PerCom Workshops, 2021.
- Xiaojie Zhang, Amitangshu Pal, and Saptarshi Debroy, Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Energy-Efficient Task Offloading for Secondary Mobile Edge Systems, IEEE LCN, 2020.
- Jordi Navarrette, Subash Shankar, Xiaojie Zhang, and Saptarshi Debroy, Formal Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Rogue Backoff Manipulation Attacks in Unlicensed Networks, IEEE DRCN 2020.
- Xiaojie Zhang, and Saptarshi Debroy, Energy Efficient Task Offloading for Compute-intensive Mobile Edge Applications, IEEE ICC 2020.
- Minh Nguyen, Saptarshi Debroy, Prasad Calyam, Zhen Lyu, Trupti Joshi, Security-aware Resource Brokering for Bioinformatics Workflows across Federated Multi-cloud Infrastructures, ICDCN 2020.
- Minh Nguyen, Saptarshi Debroy, Prasad Calyam, Zhen Lyu, Trupti Joshi, Multi-Cloud Performance and Security-driven Brokering for Bioinformatics Workflows, ICNC Workshops 2019.
- Xiaojie Zhang, and Saptarshi Debroy, Poster: Adaptive Task Offloading over Wireless in Mobile Edge Computing, IEEE SEC 2019.
- Xiaojie Zhang, and Saptarshi Debroy, Migration-driven Resilient Disaster Response Edge-Cloud Deployments, IEEE NCA 2019.
- Minh Nguyen, Amitangshu Pal, and Saptarshi Debroy, Whack-a-Mole: Software-defined Networking Driven Multi-level DDoS Defense for Cloud Environments, IEEE LCN 2018.
- Minh Nguyen, and Saptarshi Debroy, Analyzing Moving Target Defense for Resilient Campus Private Cloud, IEEE CLOUD 2018.
- Priyanka Samanta, Elizabeth Kelly, Amina Bashir, and Saptarshi Debroy, Collaborative Adversarial Modeling for Spectrum Aware IoT Communications, IEEE ICNC 2018.
- Yuanxun Zhang, Saptarshi Debroy, and Prasad Calyam, Network Measurement Recommendations for Performance Bottleneck Correlation Analysis, IEEE LANMAN 2016.
- Matthew Dickinson, Saptarshi Debroy, and Prasad Calyam, End-to-End Security Formalization and Alignment in Federated Data-intensive Application Workflows, IEEE CLOUD 2016.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Prasad Calyam, Minh Nguyen, Allen Stage, and Vladimir Georgiev, Frequency-Minimal Moving Target Defense using Software Defined Networking, IEEE ICNC 2016.
- Yuanxun Zhang, Prasad Calyam, Saptarshi Debroy, and Mukundan Sridharan, PCA-based Network-wide Correlated Anomaly Event Detection and Diagnosis, IEEE/IFIP DRCN 2015.
- Saptarshi Debroy, and Mainak Chatterjee, Spectrum map aided multi-channel multi-hop routing in distributed cognitive radio networks, IEEE PIMRC 2014.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Swades De, and Mainak Chatterjee, Contention based Multi-channel MAC Protocol for Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM 2013.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Mohammed Z. Ahmed, Mukundan Iyengar, and Mainak Chatterjee, Critical Sections in Networked Games, IEEE ICC 2013.
- Shameek Bhattacharjee, Saptarshi Debroy, Mainak Chatterjee, and Kevin Kwiat, Utilizing Misleading Information for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE ICC 2013.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Mainak Chatterjee, and Kevin Kwiat, An Effective Use of Spectrum Usage Estimation for IEEE 802.22 Networks, IEEE WCNC 2012.
- Shameek Bhattacharjee, Saptarshi Debroy, Mainak Chatterjee, and Kevin Kwiat, Trust based Fusion over Noisy Channels through Anomaly Detection in Cognitive Radio Network, ACM SIN 2011.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Mainak Chatterjee, and Kevin Kwiat, Spectrum Usage Estimation and Channel Allocation in IEEE 802.22 Networks, ACM AINTEC 2011.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Shameek Bhattacharjee, and Mainak Chatterjee, Performance based Channel Allocation in IEEE 802.22 Networks, IEEE PIMRC 2011. (Best Paper Award)
- Shameek Bhattacharjee, Saptarshi Debroy, and Mainak Chatterjee, Trust Computation Through Anomaly Monitoring in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE PIMRC 2011.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Shameek Bhattacharjee, and Mainak Chatterjee, Spectrum Map: Toward predicting the spatial distribution of spectrum usage in CRNs, , ICST CROWNCOM 2011.
- Saptarshi Debroy, and Mainak Chatterjee, Intra-cell Channel Allocation scheme in IEEE 802.22 Networks, IEEE CCNC 2010.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Sabyasachi De, and Pradip K. Das, GRASP: Geographic Rendezvous Application through SMS Pushing, IEEE ICON 2008.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Sabyasachi De, Saikat Das, Angshuman Chakraborty, Pradip K. Das, and Sanjoy Paul, MyPULSE: Mobile Yellow Pages with User interest & Location Sensing Ensemble, IEEE TENCON 2008.
- Saptarshi Debroy, Sabyasachi De, Saikat Das, and Angshuman Chakraborty, Location, Device & User Profile Sensitive Mobile Yellow Pages, ICEMC2 2007.